The girls recently prayed to ask Jesus to give them clean hearts. They keep telling us, “Now we can lean on God and not on ourselves.” That’s good theology for being [...]
“Konk konk!” We were sitting down to a very late, second round of cheesy bread. It only took me 8 years to perfect the crust. They were so good I made four pies. We looked at each other. “Is [...]
We are grateful for all the ways that God blessed in 2013. This year saw a number of changes for us including the addition of a new member to our family born in May. We also saw a continual [...]
Last fall, leaders from around our region and beyond gathered at our Ministry Center for a Discipleship Training Retreat. Participants studied together, prayed together, worshiped together, and [...]
Please pray for peace in Guinea. Violence and riots have broken out as opposition protesters clash with rival ethnic groups and government security forces over coming elections. Read more at: [...]
It is with great joy and excitement that we announce the addition of another family to our Guinea ministry team. Marc and Alison Keeton have been approved by WorldVenture to join our team as [...]
What if you could get all your friends and neighbors to hang illustrated Bible verses in their homes in a prominent location where they would look at it every day? Wouldn’t that be a great [...]