You know you’re behind with garden work when your compost pile needs weeding. We give away almost all of our garden produce as a way to open doors for sharing the Good News. The current [...]
The birds are chirping this morning and all is calm, but when we awoke to the smell of smoke in the night such a fierce storm was raging that I knew it was the making of a hurricane for those on [...]
Our latest newsletter is now available to read online. Click the image below to access it. The newsletter is password protected. If you do not know the password and would like to read the [...]
I slid the window open, baby on hip wanting to go outside. The oppressive 110 degree heat wafted in, dirt catching in my throat. “What’s going on?” I asked David. I really didn’t have to ask. I [...]
Time has a way of spreading cities out and causing them to consume near-by villages. When we moved here seven years ago there was a tiny village of thatch roofed huts just down the street from [...]
Squinting past the solar light on the porch I saw two men, bare chests heaving in the dry midnight heat. The younger, paler one with the metal rod in his hand was pumped up on adrenaline… that [...]
The Ebola virus has been identified as the cause of an outbreak of haemorrhagic fever now believed to have killed nearly 60 people in southern Guinea, government officials say. Scores of cases [...]
My glasses slid down my sweaty face as I bent over the little girl in the heat of the late afternoon sun. I tried to prepare her for the pain but I didn’t think she understood. Are there ever [...]
For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor. [...]
David traveled to Mali in December for a West Africa Field Leaders meeting. Our colleagues, the Gruddas wrote about his trip. The account was mostly accurate, except that the police officer [...]