Gardening Fail
You know you’re behind with garden work when your compost pile needs weeding.
We give away almost all of our garden produce as a way to open doors for sharing the Good News. The current Ebola outbreak has rearranged our schedules and forced us to put some things, even important things like turning the compost pile, aside for a time so we can focus on the most pressing, crucial tasks before us. We’ve been busy with evacuation preparations and Kingdom Work the last few weeks. God is doing some amazing things in our small town, and we are delaying an evacuation as long as possible. It’s an exciting time to be in West Africa.
We continue ministry, such as giving out produce from our garden, sharing the Good News, strengthening relationships, and working on the 2015 Scripture Calendars. We want to share some of those exciting ministry opportunities with you and now that we have a plan in place for the next few weeks and months, we’re in a position where we can take time to write about recent events. Check your inbox and mailbox for updates coming soon.