Scripture Calendars

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What if you could get all your friends and neighbors to hang illustrated Bible verses in their homes in a prominent location where they would look at it every day?  Wouldn’t that be a great way to expose them to the truth from God’s Word?  Here in Guinea, people love hanging calendars in their homes.  Many businesses give out calendars each year as a way to promote their products and services.  We have taken advantage of this cultural practice to get God’s Word into people’s homes.

Each year, the international workers working among the Fulbe produce a Scripture calendar to share.  It has a different illustrated Bible verse for each month, usually centered around a specific theme.  This year, we have once again taken on the responsibility to produce this calendar for Guinea.  Billie has been at work in partnership with an illustrator in the U.S. to get the 2013 calendar ready for publication.  The theme this year is the life of Christ.  Here are some rough drafts from their interactions:

Scripture Calendar Drafts

By Christmas, these calendars should be printed and ready for distribution.  People in our town so look forward to receiving them, that I have already had several requests for calendars from friends in the market.  A couple local businesses even buy calendars from me to sell in their shops.  What’s more, other Westerners working with different language groups in the country sometimes take the calendars we prepare and adapt them for their own people group.  Here is an example of what a finished calendar looks like from a previous year:

Please pray for God to bless his Word as people see it on the calendars hanging on their walls throughout Guinea.  Another serious request is that you would pray for healing for a member of our illustrator’s family who has a major health need.

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