A Still, Small Voice

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“I love You more than any other, only You can satisfy… hhhmmm… hmmm… um, …closer than a brother… hhhmmm… hmmm… um, hmm…” {I forgot the words.}

“Let it buffer, momma” a voice piped up from the corner of the darkened bedroom.

I started laughing.

“Are you being funny, momma?”

“No, I’m not being funny. YOU’RE being funny,” I said to Annika. Who teaches her this stuff? How am I going to raise Generation Alpha kids when I don’t know the difference between an IPod, an IPhone, and an IPad, and she’s telling me to “let it buffer.”

Our bedtime routine is the same almost every night. After jim jams {pajamas}, teeth brushing, and “a true story from God’s Word, the Bible,” we snuggle down and sing hymns. While “As the Deer” is not a great hymn of the faith, it does have a way of calming little hands and feet, and making eyelids heavy. I seriously can’t carry a tune in a bucket {really, I’m not just being humble,} but I can carry the hearts of my girls into the presence of an Omnipresent God as I teach them about His love through praise and worship. They probably won’t learn much about technology from me either, but they will learn about the One Who created them and has a plan for their lives.

Incidentally, my worship album comes out in the fall. Reserve your copy today!

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  • Jeanie

    LOL… well I was just going to LOL here but apparently that comment was too short. Still laughing though…

  • Shannon

    I thought As the Deer was one of the great hymns of our faith. That was during my generation of teen years in church. 🙂 I was singing that just yesterday on my walk. I LOL’d also.

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