All That The Prophets Have Spoken

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We are working on this project again. We started translating All That The Prophets Have Spoken years ago, but life pushed it aside. We are hoping to finish it promptly and send it off to the publisher by March 1.

All That the Prophets Have Spoken is a chronological explanation of God’s plan of redemption throughout the Scriptures, and presents the Good News in a way that people from an Islamic cultural background can understand.

Muslims believe in key prophets such as Abraham, Moses, and David, and even Jesus the Messiah. All That The Prophets Have Spoken builds on their understanding of these individuals in order to present a clear understanding of the God of the Bible.

We have already used the non-published, working text with great success both here in Guinea and in neighboring West African countries. Since Pular is written in both Roman and Arabic scripts, requests have already been received for the book in Arabic script as well.

Please pray for this important project: For accuracy in translation, for us to meet deadlines, for the people involved in the printing process, and for those for whom the book is written.

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