Can you teach me English?

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“Can you teach me English?”  This is the question we hear nearly every time someone learns we are from the U.S.  After hearing this question time and time again, I began to realize that God was leading us to use this felt need to meet people and share the Gospel with them.  The result of this realization is the English Language Center.  We have begun setting up a facility where we can teach English to young adults and professionals.  We are putting the finishing touches on the Center and hope to begin teaching in late summer or early fall.  We are still waiting on the installation of solar panels and batteries for lighting and the acquisition of textbooks and other teaching materials.  Please keep us in prayer as we begin this new venture for God’s glory.

You, too, can be involved in this ministry if God leads.  We are looking for your involvement in a number of ways.  First, you can help us fund the Center.  We have rented a building and begun outfitting it for teaching.  We have purchased items like desks, chairs, and a chalkboard.  We also need many other items such as textbooks.  Our total expenses are projected to be around $10,000.  If you feel God leading you to support this project, you can give to our English Language Center project at this link:

English Language and Ministry Center Startup Fund

We are also looking for workers for the English Language Center.  We have two specific job openings available, but are willing to work with you if you feel led to participate in some other way.  Click the links below to learn more:

English Center Director

English as a Second Language Teacher

Another need is for books to stock the library at the English Center.  Over the next few months we will be accepting donations of new or used books at all levels from beginning reader to advanced.  We will consolidate these books into boxes in Ohio in preparation for shipping them to Guinea.  If you would like to donate books, please contact us via the contact form for more information.

As always, please keep us in your prayers as we seek to share the Good News with those who have not heard.

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