New Ministry Center

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Our New Ministry Center

As of this month, we have begun renting a facility to use for a variety of ministries and outreach-oriented activities.  To begin with, we are moving our Fulbe believer meetings there since the location is more easily accessible to everyone.  I also plan to begin teaching on various topics there, such as discipleship and leadership.

Our Round Hut for Believer Meetings

Another major use for the facility is English classes.  Once I get tables, chairs, and ESL materials, such as textbooks, I will begin teaching a number of English as a Second Language classes and seminars.  Many people here have a strong desire to learn English.  Through these classes, I will be able to meet many new people.

The future may reveal yet more uses for the ministry facility.  One long-standing prayer of ours has been that God would send more workers to share Christ here in Guinea.  If more workers come to our town, our ministry facility is also a house that they could move right into.  Please pray with us for God’s blessing upon this new ministry center.

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