Things I’m {Currently} Lovin’…
My happiest daydreams and intentions don’t come until the end of a second or third cup of coffee, and no earlier than 10 am. I am not now, and never have been a morning person.
About two years ago I received the most wonderful email from a new mom and dear friend. She wrote, “I am feeling fairly well, but without a doubt best after my coffee… I’m curious if anyone else finds their happiest daydreams and intentions and cleaning energy floating in at about the half-cup-empty (or full) mark.”
Here is my favorite cold coffee recipe:
{Using Local Ingredients}
7 tablespoons of powdered milk
1 heaping tablespoon white sugar
1 scant tablespoon Nescafe instant coffee
1½ cups water
Just a note: I never really measure ingredients here. I just toss them into a glass and stir. You might have to work at it to find the proportions you like best. For this recipe, David likes almost twice as much milk.
{Using Western Ingredients}
25 ounces coffee
1/2 cup sugar
6 cups milk
This CD is currently in the CD drive and its music fills the house near daily:
After almost a year, apples recently reappeared in the market. I really like dipping them in caramel made from pressure cooked sweetened condensed milk. Here’s how:
Remove the label from the sweetened condensed milk can. Place the unopened can in a pressure cooker with water half way up the side of the can. See that?
Next, replace the pressure cooker lid and boil the unopened can of sweetened condensed milk in the pressure cooker for a half an hour after the pressure gauge starts to rock. If you don’t have a pressure cooker, put the can in a regular cooking pot, cover with water and boil for 2½ hours. Let sit until completely cool.
The caramel will last for years, and (trust me) we’ll use it before it expires, but I like to label and date the cans:
For cream cheese lovers, you can layer the caramel with cream cheese for optimal apple dipping.
My favorite children’s book as of late is a birthday present the girls received from Grammy:
I just finished Sword and Scalpel by Lorry Lutz. What an inspiring read from a modern day hero of the faith. Do you read? If so, what’s in your nightstand stack?
I am a planner, a list maker, a project-kind-of-gal. Our current project is the kitchen. After years of living with no cupboards, a local cabinet maker is working on them. We should be able to pick up the first one next week. I’m also hoping David will tint the paint he bought at the market last week so I can paint the walls before the cabinets go up.
As for ministry, I am loving gathering educational resources for my girls. And I continue to visit with folks when I have the opportunity. Language study is still the primary goal outside of caring for Thing One and Thing Two; however, I have not put as much time as needed toward this crucial task. Will you please pray with me that I will be a better steward of my time?
I am also keen on doing the Scripture Calendars for next year. We have very talented artists in the States who do a fabulous job of illustrating them. Giving the calendars to friends is exciting and it’s encouraging to see God’s Word being read and valued.
Billie, Loved hearing about everything that is going on in your house. I had heard about making carmel out of sweetened cond. milk, but I have not tried it yet. Don and I are in Florida and will be until the middle of April. Marisa and the boys (and of course the unborn baby!) are coming the 3rd week in March. It’s always so fun to have them. The boys love Busch Gardens and anything Disney.