Look Whoo’s Two!

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Amelie and Annika turned two on January 29. Because of our travel schedule, we had two owl themed parties for them. My very talented girlfriend, Amanda puts together a birthday box for them each year. Their first party was a little early with our team in a more southern town in Guinea, and the second was at home a few days after their birthday.

They ate cupcakes, buckeye bars, and rice krispies. They opened gifts and gave out fun party favors. We had games, cupcake shaped play dough, and these owl eye spy bags for each guest to take home:

Both girls are REALLY into the color blue right now. It’s the only color they always correctly identify. Their favorite gifts received this year were new pairs of blue socks.

Amelie loves all the new things. She walks around the house singing “Happy Birthday,” and holding things up and saying, “It’s new!” Annika also likes their doctor bags and this book (which I almost have memorized we’ve read it so many times):

Please pray that Amelie and Annika will continue to grow in wisdom and in their relationships with the Lord in this, their third year.

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  • Amanda Hurtt

    Love love love the owl bags!!! I want one! 😉 Liiks like the girls had a great birthday! 🙂

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