Digging Deeper
Our well has become too dirty to use. We are having it enlarged and lining the sides with concrete rings to make it cleaner. We also hope to install an electric well pump. Here are some interesting details. Our well is currently 45 feet (14 meters) deep and about 3 feet (one meter) across. The water at the bottom is about 16 feet (5 meters) deep. We are enlarging it to about 4 feet (1.3 meters) across. We will deepen it if it does not seem to be producing enough water as the workers finish widening it. It will take about 24 concrete rings about 60 centimeters high each to reach the top of the well. The concrete lining should prevent dirt from the sides from falling into the water at the bottom. All the work is done by hand including drawing up all the water at the bottom so the workers can dig.