The Importance of Prayer
I believe prayer is important. I believe it impacts ministries, changes lives and is an essential part of our relationship with God.
We frequently post and update praises and prayer requests on our website. Here are all of our pending prayer requests for this year. Would you invest in our lives and ministries by bringing these requests to the Lord on our behalf?
September 29, 2008
- Pray for us as we travel home tomorrow
- Pray for us as we will be traveling a great deal the next two weeks
- Pray for us as we apply for entry visas for Ghana. We are to fly there the second week of October
- Pray for our 2009 calendar project. There is a paper shortage in Guinea that may create printing problems.
- There is also a cooking gas and toilet paper shortage in Guinea. Pray that the needs for these items will be met.
September 25, 2008
- Pray that we will return home from vacation rested and ready to face the 5 month journey ahead of us before returning to the States in March for our home assignment.
August 30, 2008
- Pray for the Muslim world as Ramadan begins on Monday, September 1
- Pray for the safety of our house and car when we travel
July 16, 2008
- Pray for our financial support level as we will lose a large financial supporter this fall
July 10, 2008
- Pray for David as he works on a translation project.
- Pray for our neighbors who come in contact with Billie through our garden.
June 27, 2008
- Pray for language learning
- Pray for a neighbor girl who is thought to be demon possessed
- Pray for God to reveal His role for us in reaching the Fulbe for Christ
- Pray for unity and a passion for evangelism among local believers
- Pray for extra time and energy to complete administrative and personal tasks
June 9, 2008
- Pray for Georgia as she continues French language studies in the US
May 26, 2008
- Pray for our language study
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to be upon our lives and our ministries
April 29, 2008
- Pray against further theft of items in our home and car. Last week someone broke into our compound at night, during a rain storm, cut the fuel line on our car and tried to steal gas.
- Pray for Georgia as she has still not recovered from a fall on ice before she left the States
- Pray for David as he sets up all the solar/electrical equipment for our homes and office
April 6, 2008
- Pray for energy to complete all that we have to do each day
March 26, 2008
- Pray that we would be energetic and productive in language study and ministry.
- Pray for God to send more long-term team members to join our team.
- Pray for the ongoing translation work of Scripture and Bible lessons into Pular.
February 8, 2008
- Pray for opportunities to share despite growing opposition to our message
- Pray against the escalating spiritual attacks on us and our colleagues
January 16, 2008
- Pray as we continue to learn Pular
- Pray for us as we seek opportunities to share Bible stories with Mr. B. We plan to share the story of the Wise Men with him this week.
- Pray for wisdom and discernment as we live and work in this spiritually oppressed place
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