Welcome Karilyn!

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After 48 hours of travel, Karilyn landed in Conakry on July 13.  Her first week in Guinea was enough to cause sensory overload!  She explained in her blog, “Well, I finally truly know what is meant by the term ‘culture shock’.   Nothing could have prepared me for Guinea….I really do not know where to begin.  I have only been here a few days & I have already seen and experienced enough to write a book!”

Pray for energy and good rest for Karilyn as she acclimates to life in Kola.  Daily activities such as cooking, cleaning and language study take a lot longer to accomplish here than they would in North America.

Pray that Karilyn will have an eternal impact on the hearts and lives of therapy patients she will work with during her internship.  She has already begun to meet with Neenee, an elderly stroke patient, and has toured three hospitals to pray about opportunities to serve there.  Emotionally, serving in hospitals in a developing nation can be taxing.  Karilyn explained, “To actually see a malnourished child in real life is a heartbreaking experience… While I was at the hospital, a mother whose child had passed away recently came by.  (Our colleague) had nothing left to offer her but love, yet that is what she came back for.  To continue believing this basic principle and not become quickly discouraged by the sights I have already seen has proven to be a very difficult thing.  I have no idea what God has in store for my time in Guinea.  I do already know one thing for sure though, if you ever want to know what it means to have to become completely reliant on God, come visit Guinea.”

If you want to track Karilyn’s travels and trials throughout her internship, contact us for her blog site.

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