God Speaks Their Language, Too!

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Imagine if you did not have God’s Word, the Bible in your language. Imagine if all you had to rely upon for your spiritual nourishment was a few scattered Scripture portions and Bibles in other languages you could not read very well. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Pular Bible translation team and the blessing and favor of the Lord, the Pular translation of the New Testament has finally been completed and published. Distribution and sale in Guinea has begun.

On March 7, we had the privilege of attending the dedication ceremony of the Pular New Testament. With the publication of the New Testament in Pular, the Fulbe people now have access to God’s very Word in the language that is closest to their heart. It was a day of celebration for Fulbe believers and missionaries alike.

The work is far from complete, however. Work continues on the translation of the Old Testament. Work is also ongoing converting the New Testament from the Latin alphabet to the Arabic alphabet (Pular can be written with either Latin or Arabic letters) for publication. Many Fulbe only read the Arabic letters. Please be in prayer for these important projects.

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