Lest you think life in Africa is all work and no chocolate, I give you Nongo Toddies and African moon pies. July 21 was my birthday. I celebrated by eating far too many moon pies. You may be [...]
This week in Pular language studies I learned words for members of the family. I drew my language helper, ‘Binta’s’ family tree for practice. When I drew a fourth child for her baby due in [...]
Today, while standing on the roof of our house and looking out over the ocean, I saw a man sitting on a wall by the edge of the sea. He was fishing using only a fishing line with a hook and bait. [...]
I bought Lotte (a type of fish) from a door-to-door vendor yesterday. We don’t eat fish. “So, why did you buy a kilo of fish?” you ask. That’s a good question! Lotte is a [...]