ABC Scripture Book: Free Download
Now that our girls are beginning to talk and get easily bored with simple toys, I find myself accumulating educational resources to prepare for writing their Pre-School and kindergarten curriculum. The learning curve has been steep, and I want to do my best with homeschooling in a location that offers very few consumable or durable goods. That’s why I am starting to research and gather materials now instead of waiting until the summer before they start school. Plus, my girls are already learning colors, shapes, and the alphabet in addition to three languages (they take after their dad). Lastly, we have to plan well in advance to be adequately equipped for even the smallest goings-on here. I digress.
In my search for Pre-School activities, I came across an ABC Scripture book. It’s a cute way to learn the alphabet, colors, and scripture in one book, so I adapted the colors and verses and created my own book during the girls’ nap time. I’d like to share it with you. It should print well on 8 ½ by 11 paper. You can laminate and spiral bind it, or print sheets for individual display. I am going to upload the book to Shutterfly and redeem a free 7×9 photo book coupon they sent me via Pampers Gifts to Grow. Let me know if you would rather have the 7×9 size, or if you see any mistakes. Lastly, this version includes colors such as pink and purple. If several of you would rather have a version with colors for boys, I can accommodate.
Thanks for sharing this!
This book is so neat! The first time I saw it I thought it was just the single page and didn’t click on it. You are so talented! You are a great mom and a great teacher!